

Modular kitchens are more common and notable today in India. The underrated spot of a
house has been recognized as ‘The HEART of a house’ and given equal importance as the
other rooms of a house. The functionality and style have changed the thought raised about a
kitchen. Nowadays the chance to synchronize the kitchen style with the style of the rest of
the house has been created. We, Spacey Interior designers in Chennai, by understanding the essentials of this
updation and would like to share our thoughts for you to know more about Modular Kitchen.

What is a Modular Kitchen?

A modular kitchen alludes to trendy kitchen furniture that has been developed in modules
or segments. These contain cabinets with chosen components of standard sizes. A modular
kitchen is generally a mix of wall units and base units. Modular kitchen design ideas are intended to
maximize the utility and utilize the space proficiently, particularly for the more modest
spaces. Every unit is produced using enhanced materials and accompanies modular kitchen
accomplices to organize things properly.

Difference between Modular Kitchen and Kitchen


A modular kitchen gives a home a smooth, lavish and trendy look. Master-minded makes the
modern kitchen, fitting it to the requirements of the owner. They guarantee full usefulness
and effective utilization of the room. The kitchen modules can be immediately eliminated
and reassembled in the new area assuming the owner chooses to move to a new house.
Modular kitchens have a cleaned-up appearance and accommodative space for storage. They
are perfect and protected since the plans don’t contain shaped edges. There is an extensive
variety of decisions for selection.

Whereas normal kitchen completion depends on the carpenter or civil professionals and it
is a lengthy process. It can be customized but with some surprising costs. The normal kitchen
is economical and done manually. The style and design will not be up to the mark. The
maintenance is high.

Reasons why a modular kitchen is a practical solution for remodelling a kitchen

The Golden Triangle
The kitchen triangle is a plan idea which is likewise called the golden triangle that controls
the action in the kitchen by situating crucial capabilities in assigned spots otherwise called
principal workspaces. Planning reasonable and outwardly perfect kitchen layouts is
additionally utilized. The primary works in a home kitchen are done between the stove, the
sink, and the fridge. According to architects, the work triangle is comprised of these three
spots and the imaginary lines that interface them. The idea is that by putting these three
focuses near each other, the kitchen will be simpler and more effective to utilize.

The storage
A basic principle for storage in a modular kitchen, particularly on the off chance that your
modular kitchen has both upper and lower kitchen pantry cupboards, is to hold the upper
cabinets for rations and the lower cabinets for utensils and ceramics. If the top cabinets are
organized like this it is guaranteed that you can avoid accidents like utensils falling over or
on you. The space between the upper cabinets and the roof can be used for seldom utilized
and huge utensils in the small kitchen to maximize storage space. If so the frequently used
items are reachable which leads to a continuous cooking experience.

The relocating option
A modular kitchen provides you with the opportunity of conveying your whole kitchen with
you on the off chance that you intend to move your home or move to another area. It is not
difficult to gather and reassemble the modules of a modular kitchen, and you can
undoubtedly take them with you while moving home.

What is to be considered while remodelling a kitchen into a modular kitchen?

The arrangement should be easy to use frequently
Arrange the things in your kitchen in view of how habitually they are utilized. In this way,
cooking spoons, spatulas, scoops, turners, skimmers and whisks, which are utilized day to
day, mostly in every cooking, should be nearest to the workstation. A similar rule applies to
oils, salt, spices and sugar which are also used frequently. Also, while arranging the storage
make sure the utensils like pots and pans that are utilized day to day will go in the cupboard
promptly beneath your workspace. Make sure the dry rations are also nearer to the cooking

 Don’t drop the quality
While planning a modular kitchen, it is important to think about the quality of the materials,
equipment and completions. Because the kitchen should last long for years, should not be a
hassle for day-to-day functions. Therefore do not compromise the quality and go for what is
the best fit for you.

Hide occasionally used items
Keep once in a while utilized things behind the everyday utilized and fundamental things so
they don’t come in the manner yet aren’t completely unattainable simultaneously. Thus, less
utilized things can be hidden.
We hope you have understood about the modular kitchen. Ping us and our team of Interior
Designers can assist you in designing your Modular kitchen. Spacey Interiors is there for you